ChickSuey? Chick Who-e?

Nestled in Northwest Montana, ChickSuey is a creative homeschool adventure to teach our three young girls about business, marketing, customer service, and exploring creativity while doing something they enjoy. We love our Chickens and Peacocks and spend hours pampering them, let us make your fowl or reptiles some of our favorite treats! We sell eggs locally too!

The girls are eagerly awaiting your order! We offer local pickup and delivery too!

Thank you for stopping by and supporting our little entrepreneurs. Please contact us at anytime with questions or special order requests.


Chickens Magazine (Jan/Feb 2023 issue) Chicksuey advertisement feature!

Photo Contest 1st place 2021 Cackle Hatchery, Marley & Tuggy (buff Cochin Rooster)

Featured in 2021 Backyard Poultry Magazine 12-day Giveaway 


Don't have a need for our products? You can still support us!

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